Today we went on a Polar Express train ride to the North Pole! Which, in case you did not know, has relocated to the Readville train station : ) The event benefited Saint Catherine of Siena School and was organized by a mom we met recently at a couple Rett Syndrome functions, Paula Curly - an awesome mom who does so much for Rett Sydrome and is just an inspiration. One plus of an event organized by a Rett mommy is that they had a special needs friendly car. We left Norwood Central at 12:30 and went on a 50 minute train ride where the conductor read the Polar Express book to all the kids and we got to see Santa's elves. Meredith was given a bell, candy cane and cookie and she tried hot chocolate for the first time. We saw frosty the snowman and then Santa himself made an appearance. It was a lot of fun and we got to see a few of the new friends we have made in the Rett community. A great way to end our long Thanksgiving weekend and kickoff the holiday season!