Sunday, August 14, 2011

Soul Sisters

Almost exactly a year ago, I was lucky enough to be found online by a mom who had seen Meredith's blog and who's daughter shared many of the same symptoms. We started trading emails and phone calls and quickly learned that our girls had a LOT in common : ) Given Meredith's unique assortment of symptoms, this was really something special. Amy is the first mom I connected with on this journey who's child was going through pretty much the exact same unique experience as ours. Knowing Amy and Mark were out there somewhere was extremely comforting to us - there was another couple somewhere in the world who did understand! As I learned more about their daughter Olivia, I just could not believe all the similarities. We don't exactly live nearby, but close enough so that with a little planning and a road trip on both sides, we thought it would be possible to actually meet. Well we met last Friday in Lancaster, PA and it was truly an amazing experience. To sit and talk with another couple who is going through the exact same complicated journey as we are was just mind blowing and extremely therapeutic. Greg loved the opportunity to talk with another Dad who could relate and both Greg and I truly feel we made some new friends this weekend. We toured Amish Country and spent a few hours at Kitchen Kettle Village in Intercourse, PA. Meredith had her first pony ride care of Chloe the speedy pony. We ate some delicious PA soft pretzels and had a lovely dinner out at the Stockyard Inn. We enjoyed so much every second of our visit with Amy, Mark, Olivia and little sis Emily. Thank you guys for everything...


  1. Awe, Olivia is another cutie! You didn't tell me Mer had a pony ride!

  2. That's awesome you were able to meet with another couple! I just happened upon your blog while researching wheelchairs for my daughter, Myra. Myra had a traumatic brain injury at birth that has resulted in cerebral palsy, CVI, microcephaly, seizures, bilateral hearing loss, and global developmental delay. She will be 2 this month. =) You can visit my blog at but I haven't updated for a year now. Too busy, I'm sure you understand! -Ashley
